General Information
The very first visit to our office usually lasts for 60 to 90 minutes. During this visit the doctor obtains a detailed medical and environmental history and performs a physical examination. Usually a second visit is scheduled for a follow up and/or to perform allergy skin testing (if necessary), and to discuss the results and the various treatment options. We call the third visit "a wrap up" session. During this visit, the doctor will further elaborate on the strategies for management of your allergies, review your response to measures already instituted, and answer any questions you might have at the time.
Patient Forms
Subsequent visits with the doctor will be recommended based on your treatment program. We will make every attempt to see you at the designated time. Due to emergencies and other unavoidable factors, on occasion the doctor might be delayed. If you are pressed for time, please inquire with our staff when you come in, so that we can advise you of any delays. To cancel your appointments, please call us at least 24 hours in advance so that we can accommodate other patients. Otherwise, we reserve the right to charge you for the broken appointment. If your treatment program calls for immunotherapy you can take your shots any time during the hours of designation. The allergy shots will be given on a first come first served basis. Please watch for signs about changes in office hours during holidays and vacations.
Payment and Insurance Policies
It is the policy of this office that payment is due when services are rendered. If you call ahead and make necessary arrangements, we will file insurance as a courtesy to you. We will not be responsible for the collection or negotiation of a disputed claim. In the case of a dispute between you and your insurance carrier, we will be glad to help in any way we can. Patients with outstanding balances will receive a monthly statement. Your prompt attention to this matter will insure smooth and uninterrupted care of your condition. If you have any questions regarding the statement or other aspects of the billing and payments, please call our office during business hours: 9 AM to 5 PM, Monday thru Friday. If you are experiencing financial problems, call us sooner than later. We will attempt to set up reasonable terms that are mutually agreeable. We participate in all of the health care plans. Each plan is different. Our insurance clerk will be more than happy to discuss the particulars with you. You are required to pay your deductibles and co-payments at the time the service is rendered. We will provide you with a year-to-date itemization of charges and payments upon request. In any event that payments made by you exceed your portion of the charges, we will be happy to reimburse or credit you account.
For prescriptions refills, please call the pharmacy & request a refill. If there are no refills left, the pharmacy will contact our office Monday thru Friday, 9 AM to 5 PM. We will try our best to provide prompt service regarding your prescription needs. Please allow one to two business days and call the pharmacy before picking up your prescription. We are unable to refill prescriptions for any patient that has not been seen by the doctor within the previous three months, unless the patient is on regular immunotherapy. When you call, please have at hand the name of your prescription, dosage, prescription number, and telephone number of the pharmacy. In consideration of the other patients, we ask that you do not smoke, bring food or drink into the office, or wear heavy perfumes or scented hairsprays.